Action Plan: 2018 #iSPEAK Campus Climate Assessment

Part 1: Action Plan Goals

  • Recognize and support all survivor experiences for incoming students
  • Intentionally reach out to and engage graduate students, faculty, and staff
  • Enhance student recognition of dating violence and promote healthy relationships
  • Create targeted outreach, programming, and education for students from traditionally marginalized populations
  • Increase accessibility and inclusivity of support services
  • Increase engagement of all men in violence prevention

Part 2: Strategic Areas to Achieve Goals

To achieve these goals, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs will convene a working group to focus on four strategic areas: Policy and Training, Outreach, Programming, and Assessment.  Individual departments within Student Affairs will also be asked to incorporate action plan goals into their own units’ activities.

Policy and Training

This strategic area includes initiatives that address prevention education and training of student and staff, as well as changes to University policies and procedures.

  • Implement the “Not Anymore” online program for graduate students.
  • Implement widespread training for faculty and staff on their duty to report incidents of interpersonal violence to the Title IX Office, and on how to support students who disclose such incidents.
  • Assist with revisions to University Policy 10.3.12; communicate changes to this and related policies to the student community.


This strategic area includes using multiple approaches to share resources and educational materials with faculty, staff, and students.

  • Revise, update and improve website.
  • Create targeted outreach plan for graduate students using various media, including videos, posters, and electronic communication.
  • In collaboration with other units, create targeted outreach plan for staff and faculty using various media, including videos, postcards, and electronic communication.
  • Create targeted outreach to students of color and students who identify on the queer spectrum and/or as gender non-binary.
  • Increase use of social media to communicate data results and resource information.
  • Update and install resource signs for all campus buildings.
  • Increase the visibility of messaging regarding interpersonal violence on campus and at campus events.
  • Develop a Men’s Engagement Working Group comprised of Student Affairs staff members that will focus on engaging men on issues regarding men’s mental health and interpersonal violence victimization and perpetration.


This strategic area focuses on “signature events” hosted by the Division of Student Affairs that actively involve the campus community on issues related to the key findings.

  • Maintain and increase attendance and participation in annual events including Turn the Campus Purple and the Denim Day Fashion Show.
  • Create a student-led (staff advised) committee to plan 1-2 campus wide events each semester that meet/support the action plan goals.
  • Actively engage with other campus departments, including Athletics and academic units, to create/sponsor programs related to the key findings.
  • Create/expand programs focused on engaging men, including the Red Card on Violence Soccer Tournament and The Men’s Story Project.


  • Assess and evaluate efforts and outcomes to ensure action plan goals are met through implementation of action item programs and initiatives.