Get Counseling and Support

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, dating violence, or stalking, contact The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance to speak with a confidential advocate. Advocates are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 848-932-1181.

The University offers many supportive resources on campus for students to speak about any incident that has occurred. We have both confidential resources and private (but non-confidential) resources. The difference between these resources is explained below.

Difference Between Confidential and Private Resources

Confidential Resources

Rutgers-New Brunswick has several “confidential” resources available, including advocates, counselors, clergy and healthcare providers. These are people that, in general, are not obligated to share any personally identifying information about a report of sexual violence (such as the survivor or accused’s name) with law enforcement, the Title IX Coordinator, or any other University administrator. A report to a confidential source will not trigger an investigation or disciplinary action by the police or the university. Confidential resources can offer the following assistance:

  • Provide information about how to file a complaint with the University or law enforcement;
  • Direct the student to other forms of protection and support, such as victim advocacy, accommodations, and/or health or counseling services;
  • Arrange for medical care and accompany students, or arrange for someone to accompany students, to seek such care;
  • Provide students with immediate and long-term help.

Private Resources

The University recognizes that students may be most comfortable disclosing incidents of sexual violence to a University employee they know well, such as a faculty member, coach or resident advisor. These “non-confidential” employees will protect and respect students’ privacy to the greatest extent possible and share information only on a need-to-know basis; however, they cannot serve as a confidential resource for students. Any University employee (other than the confidential resources identified below) who receives a report about sexual violence conduct prohibited by the university’s Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures is required to inform the appropriate Title IX Coordinator about the incident. This means that these individuals are required to report to the Title IX Coordinator all relevant details, including the name of the individual who made the report, the alleged victim (if different), and the alleged perpetrator, any witnesses, and other relevant facts. This does not mean that the University will automatically initiate a formal investigation of the incident(s). Rather, the Title IX Coordinator will work with the alleged victim to assess any request for confidentiality or anonymity, and to determine how to respond to the report in a way that will stop and prevent recurrence of the alleged misconduct and provide remediation to the victim.

Confidential Counseling Resources


Violence Prevention Victim Assistance (VPVA)
The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) has an advocate on call 24/7 who can provide you detailed information about your options and resources so that you can make informed decisions about what you want to do.  Some of those options include getting medical treatment including the forensic exam for evidence collection, going to the police, applying for a restraining order, changing your living environment or classes, reporting this to the Title IX Coordinator, getting counseling, or deciding to do nothing at this point.  Whatever you decide, the advocate will support that decision and help you.  Free, confidential counseling is available at VPVA for you, your friends and others for as long as you need assistance.

Counseling, ADAP, and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)


Middlesex County Center for Empowerment

29 Oakwood Avenue
Edison, NJ 08837

Private Resources

Office of Student Affairs Compliance and Title IX
If you are interested in speaking with the Title IX Coordinator they can assist with any interim measures you which to seek out as well as offer assistance in determine if you want to move forward with a University investigation.

Dean of Students

Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD)
911 (Emergency Number)
732-932-7211 (Non-Emergency Number)